Wellbeing at Vickerstown Primary School
At Vickerstown we work towards a whole-school approach to wellbeing. Mental health and wellbeing are a focus for both pupils and staff. All pupils receive, or can access, the following provision to support and promote their emotional wellbeing and mental health to help prevent any difficulties they may be experiencing from developing:
- PSHE taught through the SCARF Programme encompassing the values of Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship which can help your child to be their best - both at school and at home.
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Displays.
- Decider Skills Programme, helping children to recognise their own thoughts, feelings and behaviours and learn coping strategies to support this.
- KidSafe Safeguarding lessons.
- Pastoral Support including SERIS groupwork (Supporting Emotional Resilience in School) and ELSA support (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant).
- Access to School based Counsellor.
- Extra-curricular clubs and activities.
- Daily mile whole school running.
As part of the school’s commitment to support all children’s physical and emotional wellbeing as well as their academic learning, using the Universal Provision provided by school, we can support pupils in the following ways: