Brambles Nursery

Welcome to Brambles Nursery

Nursery Lead HLTA – Miss Shaw


Brambles Nursery was established as an umbrella nursery from Bram Longstaff in January 2017.  Vickerstown School then took over in September 2017.  We have seen our setting grow from strength to strength ever since.

We provide a safe, happy and stimulating environment so children can become successful learners and confident individuals with enthusiastic characters.


We encourage children to be independent, imaginative, expressive and to respect others. 

We want children to develop a positive attitude to learning, be engaged learners and to develop curiosity. 

We believe every child is valued for who they are and what they contribute to our school community.

Brambles is underpinned by our values of:

Respect, Co-operation, Patience, Responsibility, Hope, Friendship and Belonging.


In Brambles we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. This framework sets the standards that
all early years providers must meet to ensure that:

Children learn and develop well.
Children are kept healthy and safe.
Children have the knowledge and skills they need to start school.

We treat every child as an individual and therefore, we respond to the development and learning of each pupil. We plan experiences that include both the prime and specific areas of learning for both our indoor classrooms and our outdoor classroom. These areas are shown in ‘The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage’ document as follows:

Prime Areas of Learning:

Communication and Language;
Physical Development;
Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
Specific Areas of Learning:
Understanding the World;
Expressive Art and Design.

Experiences include circle time, small group work, adult lead activities, 1:1 learning and structured choosing time. Brambles’ children have access to:

 Messy Play – sand and water trays;
Mark Making – painting, pencils, felt tips, chalk, crayons etc;
Role Play – linked to our topic along with a home corner, construction
Lego, wooden blocks, planks, tyres, Duplo etc;

Small World – trains and track, cars, dinosaurs, animals, doll’s house etc;
Laptops – educational games;
Playdough – cutters, rollers, loose parts;
Outside – chalking, planting, ride on toys, tyres, planks, whiteboard, field, playground.

Children’s fine motor skills are developed via activities involving cutting with child safe scissors, using finger and thumb to pick up small objects (‘pinchy fingers’) and being encouraged to zip up their own coats, to name but a few. Gross motor skills are practised by mark making on a larger scale e.g. dipping cars in paint and pushing them along to create tracks, using the ride-on toys outside, running and chasing games, throwing and catching etc.


Tapestry Online Learning Journal:

In Brambles, we use ‘Tapestry’ which is a wonderful online resource that allows staff to share your child’s learning and development within the setting. You can comment on and like the observations we share, which we encourage, to help develop our relationships with our families. You are also more than welcome to add your own photos with descriptions to share what your child gets up to when they’re not at nursery. Looking at the photos with your child encourages them to talk about their nursery day and vice versa, telling us what they do when they’re not at nursery.



Brambles’ Session Times:


Morning Session: 8:45am – 11:45am (Door opens at 8:30am)
Afternoon Session: 11:45am – 2:45pm (Door opens at 11:45am)
Full Day: 8:45am – 2:45pm (Door opens at 8:30am)

Eligibility Code:

All children are entitled to 15 hours of FREE nursery provision a week. Some children are entitled to 30 hours of FREE nursery provision, depending on family circumstances. To see if your child qualifies for the 30 hours, please follow to answer a few questions and to get your eligibility code, if you qualify.


Brambles Autumn 1A/B Autumn 2A/B Spring 1A Spring 2A Summer 1A Summer 2A
Topic My Family
Bonfire Night
The Number 3
Down on the Farm
Light & Dark
Growth & Change
The Seaside
Mini Beasts
Spring 1B
Jungle & Rainforest
Spring 2B
Spring 1B
The Weather
Houses & Homes
Summer 2B
The Zoo
Literacy Songs & Rhymes
Sharing books
Story language
Noticing print
Mark making
Parts of a book
Page sequencing
Rhyming words
Clapping syllables
Initial sounds
Early writing
Name writing
Letter formation
Maths Counting to 5
Finger rhymes
Counting beyond 5
Finger numbers
Numbers & amounts
Recording numbers
Real world problems
Comparing quantities
2D & 3D shapes
Phonics Phase 1
Listening walks
Environmental sounds

Phase 1
Listening walks
Environmental sounds

Phase 1
Speaking & Listening

Phase 1 Speaking & Listening

Phase 2

Phase 2


NB: There are two cycles, A&B, to give the children that attend four/five terms a variety, rather than repeat the same topics again.


P.E Overview from September 2021:

Brambles Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Topic Movement
Ball skills Ring games Parachute games Using equipment Team games




Our Vision

We aim to provide an outstanding education in the heart of the community and as such we make every effort that the children at Vickerstown have the best academic start and grounding possible to enable them to become successful members of society.